Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Histogram Mastering Tool

Today I created a tool to help me out training histogram recognition which has high chances of being a question among others on the exam for Vision and Image Processing discipline held by Prof. Roberto Hirata Jr. from IME-USP.


Short description:

This tool randomizes histograms from various images and then let the user pick one which can be either a wrong or the right one - a score is used and will depend on the right number of answers versus the wrong ones for each different image loaded.

The software can be started in two different modes:

1. Using a default set (preset) of images which comes along with this application
2. Using a group of images chosen (browsed).

When the program starts it generates the histogram of all images and for each image displayed on the screen it associates a set of random histograms, but in this set only one is the right one, in another words, the one which corresponds to the image displayed.

If the wrong histogram is clicked, the histogram background color becomes red to indicate error and a point is subtracted from the score. Otherwise, the background becomes green and a new point is earned.

The number of false histograms can be defined by dragging the track bar below the last histogram of the set - this can be understood as the difficult level or something like that.

The software was developed with C# and AForge .NET, a great computer vision library developed by Andrew Kirillov.

Download steps:
  1. Download the .NET Framework 3.5 or higher if you do not have it;
  2. Download the Histogram Mastering Tool (HMT) application here;
  3. Unpack the content on a folder of your preference and start the executable inside.
Please post bugs under this section or send me an e-mail (profissional at gmail dot com)

Best regards,


  1. I am speechless!

    Great piece of software, congratulations!

    Roberto H.

  2. que legaaaaal!

    Great piece of software, congratulations! [2]


    um beijo!
