Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Time-of-flight cameras and displacement maps

These days I've stumbled upon a very interesting topic: Time-of-flight cameras.

I heard that Microsoft is using them to capture 3d coordinates of players on the amazing Project Natal.

I'm on a project (hobby) that needs that. I don't want to have two cameras to capture users from front and side but instead a single front camera which would know the depth of stuff I need.

Time-of-flight cameras are useful in this matter since they locate points on 3d space according to the light analysis. For more information plaese refer to, or any other topic about that on the Internet.

When I was playing around with 3ds Max some time ago I verified a very interesting feature of it called: Displacement Maps.

Quickly, displacement maps provide a mechanism to create a surface where dark areas of the picture (map) will create valleys and brighter areas will represent the mountains. This is: the darker, the deeper and the brighter the higher.

I made some tests with a picture of me with some gloves I got and the result was exciting (check below). I expect to work on that and implement it on C# with AForge help and in future XNA.

See you next time,

1. Original picture

2. Original picture loaded on a plane.

3. Plane with Displacement applied (perspective view).